Why should you use Tower Garden rather than another growing method? Why not just plant a few seeds in the dirt? Why even garden at all when you can buy produce from the grocery store or farmer’s market?The advantages of Tower Garden can be summarized in three words: healthier, easier, and smarter.
Healthier: Nurture healthy habits
Eating lots of fruits and vegetables is good for you. But you already knew that. The problem is keeping a refrigerator stocked with fresh produce can be both costly and inconvenient. But what if you had clean, living produce — produce you grew yourself — just steps away from your kitchen? You’d probably eat more of it, right? Spoiler alert: yep.
In fact, research has proven that people (and children, in particular) eat what they grow. Speaking of eating, you’ll likely find that your abundant Tower Garden harvests are more delicious and nutritious than grocery store produce.
Why? Well, much of what you’ll find in the produce aisle is:
- Grown commercially using herbicides and pesticides
- Harvested before reaching peak ripeness
- Shipped long distances (often from other states or countries)
And the result is weeks-old produce with diminished flavor and nutrient levels that might even contain harmful chemicals. The result, frankly, can be food that isn’t very good. (No wonder so many people think they don’t enjoy eating fruits and vegetables!) But here’s the good news: when you grow your own, you can have produce the way nature intended — fresh, flavorful, nutritious and picked at the peak of ripeness. And that sounds great. But many of us aren’t “green-thumbed.” Luckily, Tower Garden is…
Easier: Get the “good” of gardening without the “bad"
Perhaps you’ve tried gardening in the past and were disappointed with the results. If that’s the case, you might be skeptical — could Tower Garden really be any different? Well, yes, actually.
Listen, here’s what you need to grow a Tower Garden: sunlight (or grow lights), electricity, water, roughly 30 minutes a week and about three square feet. Notice, we didn’t list "previous gardening experience."
Seriously. It’s that simple. And should it ever seem more complicated, you’ll have access to an extensive library of growing resources and support from a dedicated customer care team.
We’re in this together
- Comes with everything you need to start growing, including a Set-Up and Growing Guide and a Certified Seedling Provider list for eager growers who are ready to start quickly
- Fits almost anywhere, including patios, decks, porches, balconies, terraces, rooftops, living rooms, kitchens, classrooms, cafeterias, airports, restaurants… should we go on? (We already did.)
- Better tolerates extreme weather — from frosts to drought
- Reduces the risk of pests and plant diseases
- Eliminates the need for digging, weeding, tilling, watering, kneeling and getting dirty
This exceptional ease of use is just one reason communities are embracing Tower Garden.
Smarter: Reap a respectful return (and help our planet in the process)
Growing a traditional soil garden isn’t cheap. To do things right, you may need to invest in compost, fertilizers, pest control solutions, irrigation systems and premium soil. (Who knew dirt could cost so much?)
Then there are all the tools — gloves, shovels, hoses and so on. Oh, and raised beds? Don’t even get us started.
Granted, Tower Garden isn’t inexpensive either. But you should think of it as an investment in your health—one that will pay for itself quickly. In fact, an independent study found that a Tower Garden can grow food quickly enough to cover the expense of purchase in just six months. (Of course, your mileage may vary slightly depending on what you grow, seasonality, cost of produce and other factors.) And because we built Tower Garden to last — and you’ll likely use it season-after-season — your return on investment just keeps getting better with time.
So Tower Garden is a smarter choice economically. But it’s also a smarter choice environmentally, requiring only 10% the space and as little as 2% the water as traditional growing methods to grow 30% more three times as fast. (No wonder sustainability-minded farmers grow with Tower Garden!) And Tower Garden recycles — water and nutrients recirculate the closed-loop system over and over again.
Remember what we said earlier about grocery store produce being shipped? Well, that (in addition to produce packaging) leaves a pretty big carbon footprint — one that you don’t contribute to as much when you grow your own produce with Tower Garden.
Long story short, with Tower Garden, you can feel good about your investment.
So, are you ready to get your Tower Garden FLEX, or HOME? Simply click here to shop now!